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From start to finish


In the fall we prepare the ground to get it ready for planting.

Working on our fields

After planting, we water and make sure they sprout before winter


In the spring and summer there is so much work even the youngest ones help out!

Baby working in field

Months fly by, and before you know it, it's June, and time for harvest!  

We lift the onions with a lifting bar and the next morning top the onions and put them in gunnysacks to cure. After two days in the hot sun they are hardend up and ready to pack. They get dumped into bins and taken to the packinghouse where they are sorted, bagged and shipped or set aside to be sold to fruit stands and at farmers markets.


Coming out of winter and through the spring we water, weed and give the onions nutrients to keep them growing big and healthy


Spring Transplanting

Fancy tractor
Preparing Field For Transplants
kids transplanting Walla Walla Sweet Onions
Machinery Working on preparing  field

April comes, and its time to transplant. To start, we work the ground with various pieces of machinery to get it ready for planting.

Next, you push an onion start into each little hole made by the implement on the tractor.

onions being transplanted

Because we focus on providing a nutritious product and healthy working environment by not using all the harmful weed killers..

As time goes by you get to see your work pay off. And by the beginning of July, they only have a couple weeks to go!

we have lots of weeding

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